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let’s eat out together
别人说我是  detail>>
eat out
出去吃饭 出外吃饭 上馆子吃饭, 锈坏, 过度消耗, 责骂 外出吃饭;吃光,侵蚀 在外面吃饭  detail>>
to eat out
下饭馆儿 在外面吃  detail>>
let eat the world’s end
吞噬世界的尽头  detail>>
let stay together
一起停留  detail>>
let’s get together for lunch
让我们一起吃顿午餐吧。  detail>>
let out
把...放出来 把……放出;泄露(秘密) 发出,放出 防走,释放;泄露,放出,发出 放出、泄露 放出,发出;泄露;放大/宽(衣服等);出租 ...  detail>>
遁道  detail>>
out let
输出端子,引出线  detail>>
let the scholar eat like a dog
狗饭喂状元  detail>>
eat his heart out
他十分伤悲  detail>>
eat one out of
食欲很大  detail>>
eat the wind out of
占...的上风  detail>>
going out to eat
出去吃  detail>>
i rarely eat out
我难得在外吃饭,也极少在饭店用膳。  detail>>
hang out together
课外多和他们呆在一起  detail>>
set out for shanghai together
一同动身去上海  detail>>
let out a secret; leak out
走风  detail>>